Hearing the voice of God is something that almost every Christian aspires to be able to do. Most believers feel they would step out in faith more often if they knew without any doubts it was God speaking to them to do something. Unfortunately most of us Christians feel that we either don’t hear God’s voice at all or we do at times but with uncertainty. If that’s you there is good news. In John 10:27 Jesus tells us that His sheep hears His voice. Wow! That means that He is speaking to us. With that said, it’s no longer a matter of if God speaks to us but are we discerning Him when He does speak to us since we know from the previously mentioned verse that He indeed does speak to us. Of course the Lord speaks to us in a number of ways which include the bible, dreams, through other people, His still small voice, ect. The one that most of us usually focus on is His still small quiet voice and there are things we can do to position ourselves to hear it better. Naturally, they seem to include obvious things such as reading the bible, worshipping, fasting, and prayer. The easiest way to practice hearing God however, is to just make time to sit with Him quietly and listen with open ears. This may seem super obvious but many of us don’t really do this often enough or at all. It can be difficult to find the time to carve out for this but it’s well worth it because as you do it consistently you’ll notice over time it’s easier to hear the Lord speaking to you. The 2 keys to this are consistency and quieting yourself in that quiet time. If you can do this then you will position yourself to get better at hearing God’s voice. Even if you feel you are not seeing any results stay faithful to practice and God will show up.
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